Sadam said f*ck you couch and got kicked outta court. Dude either has no idea that he is being prosecuted. Being a member of the axis if evil, he prolly know and just don't give a fizzle. This is like Micheal Jackson standing up in court and arguing with the judge.
California jails are employing gully ass*d prisoners as "peace keepers" then act hella surpise when one of them dudes eats some guards food. What the

Public schools are for crack babies. They are. Who else would place a child in a sub-par school that is OVERcroweded and UNDERfunded, HYPER Violent and expect them to LEARN how to read and write. More than anything the young bucks come out knowing HOW TO SURVIVE.
Run the schools like you run Walmart, UPS and Microsoft.
The fundamental problem with schools is three things.
a. They are designed to underperform.
i. If it cost $15K to fund a child in a public school system, (peep the evidence) and the states/county and feds supply $4, $5 or 6K, the kids have lost the race before they knew they were in it.
b. Two suggestions.
i. All schools have 500 kids max.
ii. All teachers make...let me think about a forumla for that.
c. If this sounds expensive think of how much it costs to:
i. For tax payers to subsidize someone while they are in prison.
ii. How much money in taxes a working person contributes to the economy.
This article, article talks, and this one talks about about how boys and black children are disadvantaged by the current education system. ALL OF THE STUDENTS are being underserved (Unless you are fortunate enough to go to a Montesorri or live in a neigborhood where the house taxes subsidize the schools).
On the real there needs to be a federal class action suit for the lack of equity in how schools are funded from district to district. Systematic solutions for systematic problems. Trust.
Memories of Crack's hey day in Oakland are fresh in my mind. DO I need t

Property is Freedom. That what my property professor said on the first day of class, and that is some of the truest sh*t I EVER HEARD.
There is about to be A HUGE

Trust. IT WILL BE condo/retirement/yuppie city.
Oh, please leave 'ya girl a messages. It's been awfully quiet on the boards. I know yall prolly a little depressed now that the Christmas credit card bills just came out. Show me some of that blog comment love fam:)