Bill Cosby has a point.
You can't blame the man.
In theory, Parents raise children. MTV sells advertisments. PS2's entertain and Mc Donalds is an occasional snack.
Yet, we know that in reality, hella kids get a couple meals a day from Mickey D's, they stay glued to they PS2's and MTV/BET is a built into the livingroom baby sitter.
That being said, Bill does have a point. However, I think that it would be more constructive if he instructed folks on how to be better parents in ADDITION to ripping them for poor parenting.Cosby, 69, was critical of black parents, saying they don't involve themselves enough in their children's education and don't know what their children are doing. "We've got parents who won't check the bedrooms of their children to see if there's a gun," he said. He chided teachers for not offering clear explanations to children who ask why courses such as English and algebra are necessary. "If you teach English and you can't answer this child, then you're in trouble, and we've been in trouble," Cosby said. "We can't answer these children, because nobody's given them any goals."
For True. There needs to be a Black Parenting Guide Because letting MTV and McDonald's raise your kids is only gonna make you a grandma, of some really fat kids, at 32.
I am very excited about the new Jay Z.
I haven't bought a Jay album since reasonable doubt.
I like the sophisticated happiness of Show Me Watchu Got, and the Subliminal and sometimes overt jabs on Lost Ones. And its Jazzy too.
Damon apparently feels like a hypocrite after the break up. He don't "love" the game anymore.
That Dame talks about what it meant to be a sort of dispute resolution mentor to street dudes, and how they can no longer say "Lets work it out like Dame and Jay" is hyper revealing.
Where do we see Black men, in pop culture talk about lets work out our differences like so and so?
Sh*t. You win some, and you win Some.
One of my favorite Hollywood couples breakin up.
I knew it was too good to be true.
I betchu it was the Oscar.
See, thats why Julia married her camera man. I ain't mad.
The town is the 24th MOST DANGERIOUS city in the nation.
Thats something to be proud of.
Call Mutumbo a Monkey and Get Banned from the games.
Thats interesting.
God I heart the intersection of race and sports.
There is nothing wrong with being "Hollywood" or "Industry".
My best friend is industry. Irony intended.
But Calling cats w/ day glo hats
and shoes to match, "THE Fresh Prince Look" is is hella bootsie.
Er. Maybe.
It just seems contrived.
To me the more accurate description is "Japanese Hip Hop flav meets Harlem".
So. We had a hella warm Halloween. I stayed true to self and DID not go out. But actually ran errands and washed clothes. Yeah. I am an adult. And after this post, I am actually gonna work on my summary.
Who knew that getting up at 7 and having coffee on a WEEKDAY could facilitate so MUCH productivity.