Birkhold often says that "We can't expect unhealthy people, to make
healthy politicians decisions".
Trust me. Many of us are unhealthy. 50% of our kids are
dropping out of high school. We treat drug addicts like criminals
and wonder why they never get clean. We think that we can
consume our way to happiness. Furthermore, our children
don't understand that life is made up of tedious min numbing
task's and chores that have to get done whether they like it or not.
I thought of this unhealthiness, when I saw that McCain
picked Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his candidate for
Vice President.
When I saw that she was chosen, I wanted to know who she was.
So I googled the words feminism and Palin and clicked on Tenessee
Guerrilla Women and read in the comments,
HELLO…we’re feminists right? Why would Hillary supporters run to McCain who picked one of the MOST CONSERVATIVE women in politics who doesn’t believe in a woman’s right to choose, the rights of gay people, and is a hard core member of the NRA? If we are true feminist, we should go with someone who believes in feminist ideals such as a woman’s right to choose…simply being a woman doesn’t make one a feminist and quite frankly, a vote for Palin seems to be a vote AGAINST all of what women have been fighting for nearly 100 years.
McCain thinks women are sick and tired of politics being a man thing. Sick and tired of being passed over and left out. McCain is exactly right. Barack should have picked Hillary. So issues don't matter, just gender. It doesn't matter that she is a radically anti-choice rightwing Republican; so long as she is a she, its all good. We'll see how it turns out, but I think most people can see the transparency of this pick. Its an entirely defensive pick designed to be his last best hope of keeping the White House in GOP hands for 4 more years. I know logic and reason left this group a LONG time ago, but to say Sarah Palin is "more experienced" than Obama, is a fantasy. She went from being Mayor of a town of less than 9K, to Governor of a state with the population of Fort Worth, TX; and she's only been there for a year and a half. So to move your allegiances from a pro-choice center-left pol like Hillary Clinton, whom all of you said was the most experienced, to a radical conservative anti-choice woman with less than 1.5 years Governing the 47th smallest state in terms of population, really defies logic.
This told me what I needed to know.
If you are a woman, why would you would vote for someone
simply because she is a woman, not because she stands
for policies that you believe in?
You would do so if you made choices based on what you saw, instead of what is healthiest for you and your family.
My mother has a saying, "People will give you hell and charge
you rent".
When I see white women jump on the McCain ticket because
he has a woman running part of me thinks that if they are short
cited enough to vote for McCain out of spite then they deserve t
he leadership and the consequences of such leadership that
they will receive. This thinking, however, is reactionary.
What must be kept in mind is that we all have voice and that we
are ALL affected by who is elected president and vice president.
Our future, like our past, is bound together.
How amusing! You assume that those people with children are somehow not going to be magically stuffed into a nursing home and ignored by those children.
The purpose of having children is not to make sure someone’s there to take care of you in your old age. That’s a harsh thing to accept. Life is full of harsh things. Dying is one of them.
Even if I had children, I would forbid them from feeding me and bathing me and so forth. I wouldn’t keep my cat alive in those circumstances, why would I do it to myself?
— Posted by Alex