Kermit an 'nem be blinging. I wonder how BG's wealth could have been transformed if he had "BLING" tradmarked. Just wonderin'.
So, Billy Sunday asked me when I was going to address the Venus Hottentot.
Here is a little about her history.
And some other ish about her.
But then I was stuck.
I felt I needed to say somthing more relevent.
Then I landed at this site and saw the photo below, and was like Holy shit,
Buffie the Body IS Venus Hottentot.
There is a very similar dynamic here, but there are also differences.
1. Both women are on display in a culture that says that women ARE for display.
2. What does it mean to us as a people that these women, whose bodies are ridiculosly similar were on display a hundred years ago and and still on display hundred years later.
Humans have allways enjoyed looking at the human body, black white or otherwise. Fair enought.
But there is a distinction between a woman showing off her wares, at her own will, and negotiating who is going to see it and for how much and how long.
Buffy is being placed in music videos as eye candy and in Venus's case being displayed in a jar at a museum, far away from her loved ones.
In fact, negroes take very seriously burying our loved ones. So not only could Venus not rest while alive, she was not able to rest in peace. Until recently.Get it. Period. Stop.
Neither Venus, nor Buffie are in control of how their images are ultimatly displayed. And perhaps that is ultimatly how they are connected both visually and historically.
----------------------------------------------Dear White Boy that stopped talking to me,
I will admit that I was kinda thrown off at first, because I thought that I made a friend. I find it ironic that you were so enraged at the courts reasoning over Brown v. Board of education, but in your relationship with me, you continued the tradtion of seperate but equal. How, you ask? I am struggling right? So when I ask you for notes, last month, it is because I need it right. When you did not respond to my request, AND decided to stop talking talking to me you made it clear to me that you as much as a bigot as the justices, who apparently enraged you, who mandated seperate but equal.
A sista reached out to you and you said f*ck you by not responding. You are just as culpable as those bigoted justices. If I have made it clear to you that being in school is difficult and you recuse yourself from our relationship without a word, then you let me know that you are NOTHING but shark bait to me fam.
Hol up, waiiit.....
Ghost and Papoose on Saturday the 22nd at the Nokia Theater.
Why isn't anyone talking about this.
Who is going.
Tix are $33. I don't know spongebob.
Black girls don't like standing up for hella hours at a hip hop show.
Ghost or not. I ain't 16 no more.
Mike Figgis shoulda blew Matt Dillons *ss up. How you gon' feel on a sista' then get offered redemption. And KILL LARENZ TATE. Fuck outta here fam.
Heads up to DP for the laink.
So, “Crash” is white supremacist because it minimizes the reality of white supremacy. Its faux humanism and simplistic message of tolerance directs attention away from a white-supremacist system and undermines white accountability for the maintenance of that system. We have no way of knowing whether this is the conscious intention of writer/director Paul Haggis, but it’s emerges as the film’s dominant message.-------------------------------------------
While viewing “Crash” may make some people, especially white people, uncomfortable during and immediately after viewing, the film seems designed, at a deeper level, to make white people feel better. As the film asks us to confront personal prejudices, it allows us white folk to evade our collective responsibility for white supremacy. In “Crash,” emotion trumps analysis, and psychology is more important than politics. The result: White people are off the hook.
Mass has same sex unions and now they are about to get Universal health care.
They are doing three things.
Business will have to pay a flat amount in the form of a tax for every employee that
is uninsured.

Poor folks making less than approx 10K/year will have state subsidized health insurance.
Then depending on how much you make, you will pay for health care.
If you choose not to, you will pay more in taxes. That is an interesting way of
dealing with the issue.
Tax help for women who like to let men feel on their feet for cash.
Who knew that you could even GET PAPER like that?
Raekwon the Chef needs to move over, there are new negroes in the kitchen.
White folks gentryfying other white folks. Only in Manhattan.
In the current real estate market, a 2,000-square-foot loft like Mr. Hasen's, which rents for only $850 a month, could sell for $2 million or more, and a new generation of building owners is stepping up the pressure on tenants in lofts and small rental buildings all over Manhattan to move out. Dozens of owners have filed applications with the state to evict tenants so they can demolish the buildings.
Under state law, elderly people like the Hasens, who are long-term rent-regulated tenants, are protected from eviction if the owner wants their apartment for use by his own family. But they are not protected from eviction if the landlord gets approval to demolish the building.
In many cases these are demolitions with a difference. There are no wrecking balls. Walls do not tumble in clouds of dust. The plans filed with the Department of Buildings do not call for new buildings. Instead, they look like alteration plans that the same owner might have filed for an ordinary condominium conversion of a prewar building. Sometimes entire floors are left intact. Tenants fear that if the landlords succeed with such evictions, hundreds more may soon follow.
To spur the tenants to move, owners may begin to carry out the renovations of buildings long before their demolition applications are approved. Tenants are left to cope with dust and disruptions as walls of apartments around theirs are knocked down and rebuilt, destroying any vestige of the life they have known.
At issue are differing interpretations of the language and intentions of the laws governing rent regulation. Tenant lawyers say that when the Rent Stabilization Law states than tenants may be evicted when an owner "intends in good faith to demolish the building," it means tearing down the building, not just altering it. But landlords contend that tenants may be evicted when only the interior is being changed, even if some floors are kept intact, or when the building is demolished in stages.
Why is Oakland lettin' fat @ss Giambi and his Yankees spank them at home like that?
Talk about setting a tone for the rest of the season.
There is a reason why we call it homefield advantage feels.
If you are about to be homeless and are willing to mash with a complete stranger
in order to live rent free, then check out this.
Sex Tourism is in Atlanta along with Thailand and Brazil. Lets see some laws dealing with this senators!
It took place in Atlanta, the buckle of the U.S. Bible Belt, where the world's busiest passenger airport provides a cheaper, more convenient and safer underage sex destination for men seeking girls as young as 10."Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family," said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Georgia.
You stupid.
That was a pretty good review of Crasg, but again as I've stated before I have a problem with seeing Matt Dillon's redemeption. His saving of Thandie Newton simply illustrates man's dichotomy; Dillion is a racist, but saves a black woman, Terrenc Howard is an Uncle Tom, but stands up/rebels against the police. Shaniqua hears racist comments, but dishes them out as well, etc. In Dillion's case I believe true redemption would be a sudden ephihany that his ideas and practices were wrong-that doesn't happen in this film.
On Buffy - just to play devil's advocate, the difference between Buffy and Venus is that Buffy chooses to expolit her "assets" (pun intended), Buffy profits from, designs, and encourages the marketing of her image. The same could not be said for Miss Hottentot. It is ironic that you compare the two of them because I was thinking the same thing when I saw Buffy on "The Shop".
There's a lot to take in from this post, but I will just address one serious issue: the A's suck. lol I think I'm contractually obligated as a Giants fan to say that. (And if you were a Dodgers fan, I'd be obligated to type it all in caps.) Maybe my team doesn't even reach .500 some years, but even when we don't, the A's never seem to win anymore first round playoff series than us.
Ok..one by one..
Buffie IS IN CONTROL of how her body is depicted. Ain't no one putting a gun to her head asking her to show off her wares...
Somehow, I can see where that Crash reviewer is coming from..but my thing is how better could it have been done?
Senators benefit from sex too..so laws against it ain't happening no time soon..
@ Jase. Like minds think alike fam. Um. Even though Buffie arguably CHOOSES to expolit her assests, she does so in a culture that reduces women, especially black women in music videos to walking penetration objects.
Just like for the young bucks there is dead/in jail, ball/rap, for young girls its baby momma/cosmetologist or video sex body/singer.
Even though Buffie has the ULTIMATE CHOICE, her choices and more importantly the PERCEPTION amongst young girls is as I mentioned above.
And we all live within the PERCEPTIONS OF OTHERS. Quote. Unquote.
@ Fletch.
It is nice to see your enthusiasm. As a Libra, I WILL always respect passion.
BUT. If you continue to talk about my A's I will essercise my 2nd amendment right.
Go Barry Zito.
Yes we choke in the playoffs.
We don't have the heart yet, to feel like we can beat the big east teams AND THOSE dam* angels!!!?!?!?!?!
@ neo
Arg....I do that too! Go homer.
You heard about that live action movie. FURST!!!!
Re buffie. See my response to Jase. All of the choices that we make are made within the context of what we think is available to us. NOTHING happens in a vaccuum.
Somehow, I can see where that Crash reviewer is coming from..but my thing is how better could it have been done?
U felt that way after reading the entire article????
Senators benefit from sex too..so laws against it ain't happening no time soon..
I know. But hey. Maybe they should be doing it with their wives and boy/girl friends. The feds seem to be onna anti porn/ explotation swing so I wanted to throw that out there.
Hol up hol up...I thought erbody knew that Buffy's body isn't even real..either way that junk looks nasty. I mean it just doesn't look right. Anyway, Hottentot was taken from her home and exploited and put on display by the white man like a caged circus animal (I think that's how the story went. I'm drunk so my memory is a little hazy). Buffy is exploiting her own self. But is she even still the hot video chick? I thought her time was up. I hope she's not trying to still hold on.
I ain't seen Crash cause everybody's telling me that I need to see it...so I refuse to see it..lol
lol@the craig's list: a one-bedroom pool house is free "to a girl that is skilled and willing." I'm about to be fired from my job soon, so I may take this dude up on this offer, cause I'm willing, but I'm not skilled, so I'm not sure how we'll work that out.
I thought the review of Crash was good. I left the movie thinking some of the same things. Whites felt some of Dillon actions were redeamed by him saving Newton.
I appreciate the movie and I hope the purpose was to open to door to explore the subject of racism though the silver screen.
I define racism as the systematic abuse of power; predjudice plus power. Racism in the U.S. have far evolved since the days of slavery into an institution (p.i.c, residential, educational, etc) but the trip part is that some white people don't believe it.
I don't know how i get asked all the "race question" (it pisses me off, holds me accountable, then makes me relize how ignorant some people are) but my boss asked me if i thought racism still existed, "hell yeah" was my answer. Her defination of racism only included personal predujuces. Mine included examples of the rising numbers of blacks and browns in the prison system and how racism was prevelant the criminal legal system starting with racial profiling all the way to the point that there are harsher crimes for black and brown "crimes" than their are for whites...look at the sentence time on crack cocaine vs powder cocaine.
She gave me every reason why race wasn't an issue. I ended the conversation.
wow. a lot going on in this post.
but i have to agree with you, MM, about Buffie. sure she CHOOSES to exploit herself, however that image is also out of her control. to me, she's just playing into the notion of black women being hyper-sexual beings. this notion is STILL very much on display (i.e. video hoes) today & it still being perceived as fact (i.e. the Duke rape case).
As far as "Crash": perhaps it could have been resolved in a "better," or shall i say different way. but then again, that wouldn't be realistic either. i think the purpose of the movie was to open up a dialogue about race in America & expose that fact that depite being this big bowl of ethnicities, we are all still prejudice (against everybody!).
I basiclly posted on Friday instead of doing my contracts reading.
@ Jase
In Dillion's case I believe true redemption would be a sudden ephihany that his ideas and practices were wrong-that doesn't happen in this film.
No this would never happen because Figgis wants us to believe IN THE BEST of crackatown officers, without giving sufficent reason why we should.
Buffy is exploiting her own self.
She is apart of women being exploited.
In doing what she does, she sets the tone for what is acceptable in the industry.
sure she CHOOSES to exploit herself, however that image is also out of her control.
The image is so out of her control.
Think about it.
It parallel's blk folks power dynamic in this country.
Blk folks have tremendous cultural capital which is powerful as entertainment is the u.s's #1 export, but little financial capital.
@ Rum of a RR
Thank you for the add link.
Yeah. They like to get off the hook, but things like that tend to wash in the end.
I define racism as the systematic abuse of power; predjudice plus power. Racism in the U.S. have far evolved since the days of slavery into an institution (p.i.c, residential, educational, etc) but the trip part is that some white people don't believe it.
The dope part is that racismo is so subtle and nuanced, that 'ish be affecting you LIKE BAM, and you don't even know that it is operating.
Talking about breathing while black.
good weekend M_deezy, you put in hell'a blog work!
thanks for the lookout on Buffy/Hottentot. you got the point even better than you know.
@ b. hove.
I see you fam. Thank you for the inspiration.
Wow! I just read your post on Buffie, we are eye to eye on this!! I am glad that I am not the only who got that connection!
I love your blog too, I linked ya!
Good looking out T.
Im bout to link you too!
It is nice to know that you are not the ONLY ONE ANAYZING, ya feels me!?!?!?!?
Award Winning Independent Filmmaker Tyrone McFarlin reveals a new unique way to help Aspiring Actors, Models, Singers, and Dancers get instantly discovered within in 7 days.
Hollywood, California (Feb. 20th, 2007) – On March 17th 2007 Tyrone McFarlin will be taping the pilot of Making the Movie at City Stage in New York, New York. Tyrone is looking for the next best Actor, Model, Dee Jay, Comedian, Singer or Dancer to be in his upcoming projects.
Everyone made fun and laughed at Tyrone’s crazy internet business and movie ideas until tears streamed from their eyes. Tyrone felt hurt and very discouraged. He decided to throw in the towel, until one day he gave it one last try.
Tyrone struggled with no income flow. He lived in a freezing home with no electricity for over 10 months. Tyrone begin to read and study about internet marketing by candle light. After attempting to run an extension cord to his neighbors power source, he decided to start an online talent agency.
Today McFarlin is said to be the known for helping thousands of Actors, Models, Singers and Dancers instantly find jobs faster than any talent agency in the world. At last, aspiring talent finally has an opportunity to be on TV without having any experience. This internet marketing guru and expert has used his online promotion and marketing skills to attract over 737,000 talented people through a simple web site. Currently he’s doing a nationwide casting tour.
On March 17th In New York each talent will be placed on a real movie set and will have to prove that they have what it takes to survive with professional SAG actors. Those who make the first day of auditions on the 17th of March will be invited to return for call-backs on the 18th and meet the director face to face.
Tyrone states, “after graduating from the Hollywood Film Institute in Hollywood California it was still difficult breaking into acting and movies, I never had the chance.” ” Therefore, I decided to create a vehicle that would instantly expose everybody to major movie companies. He mentions ” So guess what, anyone with a dream and a vision now has the chance to prove themselves without wasting time sending hundreds of resumes by email and never getting called back.”
This season 12 episodes of MAKING the MOVIE will air on national television. 10 finalists will play a staring role in Tyrone McFarlins upcoming TV series Skool Drama. As a reward to the finalist, 3,000 DVDs will also be distributed to key people at major movie companies and talent agencies nationally and internationally.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and they’re looking for the best. If anyone is interested in participating, Superior Talent LLC is currently pre-screening talent by phone. For details contact us.
Superior Talent
Contact: Paula Cherick or Rob Freeman
Phone: 818-301-5723
Email: marketing@superiortalentagency.net
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I love Buffy.
Thank you
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