Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why We Both Black and our Kid is Biracial?


Speaking of being biracial.

My resident blog little brother from another momma has renounced his whiteness.

First I laughed.
Then I realized your boy was serious. There MUST BE SOMETHING in that Michigan Water.

They Prolly Serve Malcom X smoothies at the movie theaters and sh*t.
Harriet Tubman Burgers.

Martin Luther King Onion Rings. <<<----I know. Scandless. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Junk Food Chain serving up negro heros. <<<<---No more listening to doom for me. Walt is on a mission yall:

Alright white folks, it's like this. You done did it. I'm through with you. Nah nah, don't try to say you're sorry and that you can change, fuck that. It's over. You never really loved me, and now I can see that, so I'm gone. I'm serious.
I ain't saying I won't kick it with you, go to your parties, listen to your lame ass watered down versions of black music every once in a while, or that I'll start breaking into your cars and stealing your stereos or whatever, it ain't even like that. And I'm not going to stop hanging out with you if we're friends and you happen to be white (unless you show up in the comments and scream on me.) What I'm saying is, I'm not one of you anymore. I am officially, as far as I'm concerned, no longer a White Guy. Genetically I'm descended from people who got all pale and shit from hanging out in caves and somehow ended up with pigment in their eyes and hair, yeah. But that's it. That's the extent of my White-ness.
Then he goes for the juggular.
Don't try to tell me that you're a liberal either, you motherfuckers are racist as shit too. Get a couple drinks in you and you start complaining about how the black girls at the gym always walk the wrong direction around the track. Better yet, wait until Joe Progressive loses his job. Homeboy go from Do The Right Thing to Do The White Thing real fuckin' quick if you tell him his days of making 70K a year for shuffling papers around are over. Hits up a box of wine and starts bitching about "Affirmative action hires", "Reverse racism", "Illegal immigrants", and pretty much Asians in general. Start fucking with whitey's paper and he's back to his old tricks with the quickness.

And finally. BUT AT LEAST IM WHITE. De.LISH.ious.
I swear, working class white people are like that one kid out the crew who everybody hates but still gets to hang out so that the cool kids can fuck with him. You know who I'm talking about, don't front. Y'all Toby Keith ass motherfuckers be like "Well I went to a shitty high school, have no job opprotunities, my family is all on drugs and in prison, my little brother got beat the fuck up by county sherriffs last night, my little sister is pregnant, I might get drafted, my roof is leaking, and I think I might have VD. But shit! At least I'm white!"
Read more here.


This post certainly puts "Independence Day" in a new light. Yall think he crazy. Or just a young white cat thats fed up?



Anonymous said...

The at least I'm white comment shows that many whites know things are unbalanced and that being white gives one an unfair advantage.

It also shoes that some whites think having that just having pale skin makes them superior.

neo said...


American History X maybe?

Dame said...

Your boy made great points about classism within white society, and the overall fakeness intrinsic within race relations, while expressing obvious frustration. Despite my aversion to “both my parents are from the inner city” the racial amalgamation he cites from his past, and the never good denouncing what you are, I really felt this blog

Anonymous said...

Just a young white cat thats fed up

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King Onion Rings

LOL. Grimy.

M.Dot. said...

Whut up
I may. Look. We could GET CAKE
and get black history at the same time.

Harriet Tubman Burgers.

Fredrick Douglass Fries.

Nat Turner Wings.

The possibilities are endless.

K1NG said...

My resident blog little brother from another momma has renounced his whiteness.

You cheater. lol.

M.Dot. said...

K1NG said...

My resident blog little brother from another momma has renounced his whiteness.

You cheater. lol.

Stop it you f*cking leo.

changeseeker said...

Thank you a thousand times, M.Dot, for putting this guy (I want to call him a "kid," but I just can't) on the stage. I laughed till my stomach hurt and as far as I'm concerned, he's right on the money. I put a permanent link on my blog roll to his post, calling it "On Being a Ignant Ass White Person."

Incidentally, if you haven't answered the "eight things about me" meme, then you've been tagged.

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