New York is trying a set of controversial measures to reduce
the number of F-A-M-A-L-I-E-S in poverty.
Bloomberg is going to reward families with cash for opening
savings accounts, saving a portion of their incomes,
making sure that their children are attending medical appointments
and for attending their children's PTA meetings.
Don't look at me LIKE THAT. I SAID it was controversial.
The money, at least in the beginning will be privately raised,
not tax dollars.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced today in Brooklyn that the city was moving ahead with a bold anti-poverty experiment that will use private donations to pay 2,500 families $25 to $300 for meeting various targets — better school attendance, higher test scores — up to a total of $5,000 a year.People WERE still B*tching about tax dollars being used.
idea of giving low income kids cellphones and minutes to
rewarding them for doing well in school.
You should have seen the comments section.
What are we going to do, give them a car next?
Blar, Blar, f*cking Blar.
So I have been sitting on this article for a couple of weeks now
until I saw ANOTHER ARTICLE ON White middle class parents
and how their CHILDREN EARN internet time by practicing
piano, completing homework,etc.
When the children want to use their allowance, though, they don’t go to the mall. They turn on the family’s computer or television because there’s a parallel economy in place at the Sherman home, with a currency most often known as “screen time.”
Screen time can be spent playing computer games, watching TV or movies or, for older children, visiting social networking sites like MySpace or instant messaging with friends. This new currency, used in a growing number of households, works as an allowance because screen time is highly valued by children and teenagers, and usually restricted by parents.
All I could think was ain't this a b*tch. Where are the outraged
reader comments NOW?
I guess lil Black/Brown children are not suppose to be motivated
by incentives. LOL.
Why is there more acceptance for Learning While White?
Why did the commenter STILL think that TAX dollars were being used?
Would you do your homework and try to get better grades if it meant free minutes?
Sh*t I WOULD DO YOUR homework for free cell minutes. LOL. My cell
bill be higher than a giraffe's ass.