Texas Truth, my new muse, musta been in my head this morning, because he just sent me a link regarding the fact that R. Kelley's case has not started yet.
All three of the cases have a similar thread which is the issue is someone having sex with a Black woman or girl.
I have been meaning to write about R for a hot minute.
I was reminded of him this weekend when I went on a date with myself to Barnes and Noble and read the new Essence cover to cover. I also read Curve w/ bad @ssed Michelle Rodriguez on the cover, and the new Pink magazine.
Peep the article about R. Kelleys wife in Essence. Yes. Old Boy is married. Yes they are estranged.
But Andrea says she had to cut some people off who said nasty things about her husband, and surround herself with people who she believes care for her. "I know the allegations aginst my husband don't reflect on me as an individual," she says. "They don't reflect on me as a mom or as a wife, and they don't reflect on me in my everyday life."Thats interesting. Wouldn't it be more apropo to say that they don't reflect on her wholly. To say that they don't reflect on her at all gives rise to some credibility issues, as she MARRIED HIM in the first place. Post. Alliyah. mind you.
Back to Duke.
After I made my statement in Evidence in April I had a conversation with a classmate.

It may or may not have been rape.
But something happened.
Here is the kicker, this dude went to school in St. Louis and told me that
it is common practice for frats to hire dancers to come to school parties during the rush period and FOR THE frats/athletes to have sex with them.
I then followed up saying that is this an EXPLICIT arrangement?
He said sometimes it is sometimes it isn't.
I then followed up asking, "So sex with one of these women dancers is understood, and it may be included in the actual fee she is paid to come to the campus or she may agree to be paid on the spot for each individual encounter".
He said yes.
NOW THIS BLEW me out the water.
NOT because it existed.
That what happened on Dukes campus, the ACTUAL HIRING of the dancer in the
first place is common practice among fraternities across the country.
The things you learn when you talk to your white peers. LOL.

Back to R. Kelly.
The Newsweek article that TT sent me is on point. They mention:
- What if the gurl in the video with R.Kelly was white? Would the trial have allready started
"Many Kelly watchers also believe that the case hasn't moved faster because of racial factors. "If those girls had been white, he'd be in jail now," says Shakema Long, 18, a coed at Cal State. "But they were black girls, and nobody cares about us."
2. The raised the question of whether R.Kelly's attorney's strategy is to try and wait as long as possible so that the alleged victim has turned 18.
"...say they think Kelly and his lawyers are stalling until the young girls become adults, when they'll be less sympathetic victims—and, in the case of the girl in the video, less recognizable".
3. Is R. Kelly a sexual predator? I mean seriously. Of all the jawns he could cake, he want that 16 and under set.
"You'd think that the state would have a strong case. Kelly had a well-known interest in minors. In 1994, he illegally married the singer Aaliyah when she was 15 and he was 28. Kelly has reportedly been sued four times by women who claimed some type of sexual misconduct; Kelly is believed to have settled all of the cases for unspecified amounts. Some people say there were other incidents as well. "A lot of people knew what was going on and chose to look the other way," says one of Kelly's former employees, who admits to being one of those people. "He wasn't doing this without help."=========
Are negros too forgiving of their stars?
Michael J? Mike T? R. Kelly?
Notice how they all have had sexual infractions?
"Are negros too forgiving of their stars?"
Nawww...Black women just don't make "good victims"...or sometimes they do when it is convenient for the media to criminalize on other factors
As race has been socially constructed to provide privileges based on levels of skin color, gender has been socially constructed within the realm of race that provides a system of hyper visibility to Black males while providing a system of invisibility to Black females.
Because Black women in New Orleans systematically lack opportunities of life chances based on gender and racial oppressions, they are consistently invisible in society unless being exploited to justify some other action of oppression. Black women’s sexual assaults during Katrina were exploited by the media as well as city/state/government officials in the need to criminalize Black men for needs of social control and to extract attention from the government’s immediate response to the disaster. Crime is socially constructed along racial and gender lines. “The frames of Black criminality and law and order over determined how we interpreted both the extent and nature of that violence” (Harris and Carbado). Once the officials and media received the support it needed from a society that interpreted the sexual violence towards Black women through a racial and gender lens, they quickly disregarded the women’s attacks and they were again an invisible marginalized group. While only four official counts of rape were reported A national database newly created by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center reports more than 40 sexual assaults, while another victim’s rights organization has reported more than 150 post-Katrina violent crimes, of which about one-third were sexual assaults, including those committed in the homes of host families...Paradoxically, at the same time that reports of rape were cited to confirm stereotypes of black criminality, the black women victims of actual rapes suffered an unconscionable degree of official disregard. While accounts of rape were invoked as signs of the disintegration of social order in New Orleans, some of the black women who experienced sexual violence were unable to file reports with law enforcement officials despite their efforts to do so, notwithstanding the city’s ostensible mission to maintain law and order to protect victims from crime.
"...gender has been socially constructed within the realm of race that provides a system of hyper visibility to Black males while providing a system of invisibility to Black females."
I think Ralph Ellison would disagree w/ you on that one... i'm still trying to decide my own opinion....
Matter of fact, i can both agree and disagree w/ that statement. Dot and i had a convo about that today, how she'll be able to succeed in law due to her talent and white males' failure to see her as a threat, whereas i'd automatically be viewed w/ suspicion.
But at the same time, black men retain our invisibility when the objective is to minimize our accomplishments (i.e. the magic negro - "You know, i don't even see you as black") or deny much needed assistance to the group (the way black male underachievement in schools went ignored until Bush and crew figured out a way to profit from it).
So black males are both invisible and hyper-visible, and the benefit white people in a given situation determines our level of visibility.
"[Black women] are consistently invisible in society unless being exploited to justify some other action of oppression."
You can say that again (and again, and again...):
(I broke up the link so it'd fit on the page.)
@ tmr
YOu give a negro a lil bit of education and they get uppity.
Long @ssed comments. LOL.
Alright my comment won't be as long as others but it still needs to be said:
Not all fraternites partake in the same explict activites as hiring and taking advantage of dancers in need of extra cash. I can think of no black greek organization that would do this. As a part of a black greek organization I know that we wouldn't exploit the hard working black woman, I mean that's what freshman are for!! (jokey joke)
But all these court cases just remind me of the Boondocks episode "The Trial Of Robert Kelly". Black people love our celebraties and we always think the best of them...even when its foolish to do so. As long as they keep puttin out something for us to brag about in the barbershop they're golden...and there's a problem with that mentality
stephen...lemme get at that link and ima holla later
m deezy:
don't be trynna throw dat LOL at the end of the comment to be nice...I gots ya!!!!
no lol...u shunned
Kelly's wife appears to have a good head on her shoulder's (maybe naive) and it was interessting to actually hear her speak on everything. I never knew that they worked so closely together on his projects. You'd think that she would be more well known.
Minority Reporter: You should have just posted the whole paper. I would have read it(seriously).
I played baseball in college and at one of the team parties, someone had the bright idea to hire a stripper. It's Not a great idea ever to have a bunch of young 19 year old athletes with a stripper (most of whom weren't that bright, as baseball players usually aren't the sharpest bunch), but no one ever had the idea that they would have sex with the stripper.
Granted, the guys on my team did a bunch of rowdy, vulgar shit that gives me the creeps just thinking about (I can guarantee if they had a video of the actual stripper performance, everyone involved would never want to show their faces in public again).
However, in my experiences playing college sports, i never heard of anyone who actually expected to have sex with a stripper. Your friend might be right, but my experience proved different.
I think the Duke guys were innocent of committing rape, but yes, you're probably right that they were guilty of doing "something" wrong.
@ tmr.
I heart you and your Long @ssed comments.
So stop catching feelings.
I allways encourage you to write.
Even if it means in MY comments section. LOL.
Gone head and e-mail me the link to the paper and I will post it.
the magic negro - "You know, i don't even see you as black
We are totally Magic Negros.
Lets make t-shirts:)
whereas i'd automatically be viewed w/ suspicion.
Ummmm. Yes. I will have an in b/c I won't be seen as asmuch of a threat. But I will have to navigate their stereotypes re black female sexuality/nannysh-t/hoodsh*t.
good head on her shoulder's (maybe naive)
Ol gurl see's no culpability in her actions.
Hmmmm. Be real interesting to see how n*ggas treat HIS daughters.
"So glad you stopped by".
"I can guarantee if they had a video of the actual stripper performance, everyone involved would never want to show their faces in public again"
Sounds greasy!
God bless youtube.
Hi Brandon Bear.
Im glad you posted.
"As a part of a black greek organization I know that we wouldn't exploit the hard working black woman, I mean that's what freshman are for!! (jokey joke".
The Good Old Imus Defense.
"It was a joke."
We are totally Magic Negros.
Lets make t-shirts:)
I'ma holla at Tim about it.
You crazy.
Yeah I'm totally Imus here. But I will not apologize for my commentary. But make sure you check out what I said on my site...
Whats your site.
Gimme a laink.
"You know, i don't even see you as black” that’s not gender specific...that’s the new new racism...colorblindness. I’m scared of comments like this because people don’t really realize what they are saying. If you don’t see me as Black do you see me as the default race of white?...probably so.
The link...umm I’m kinda hard on stats given by mainstream media. Piece had some decent highlights but the statistics were shady and didn’t support the evidence proposed...or when it did it was in a prophetic sorta way...the dating in the class was on point though
On the real, I thought u were trying to use my reference of Ellison’s Invisible Man in my blog to play me...til M. Deezy told me u rolled with Ralphie like that lol...I swear that book is in my top 10
that's the name don't forget it
"You should have just posted the whole paper. I would have read it(seriously)"
i'm limiting myself to 4 lines per comment from now on lol
You are such a cow.
Stop it god dammit.<<<<***TT. I know...But she asked fer it.
^^Dead horse beatin 'ol cow. Shoosh.
I'm not joking about the paper. It takes me time to digest everything that you write, but I'd rather read it all at once than split up over alot of different days. You guys almost got me wanting to go back to school.
I read the invisible man last summer, after I tripped on it at my house. I enjoyed it but i really need to read it again.
Hmmmm. Be real interesting to see how n*ggas treat HIS daughters.
Know nowing that he has daughters, I really hope he didn't do what he's accused of.
You guys almost got me wanting to go back to school.
Thats the point.
Women allways posta encourage the family to go to school.
Thats our job.
I really hope he didn't do what he's accused of.
My test is allways:
"what if it was your daughter".
N*ggas get quiet.
No dis. Ellison and Wiley are my homeboys.
I need to get Tim on a Ralphs shirt, furreal.
but Akon didn't have sex with the girl...since when did dancing = sex?
I was waiting for someone to catch that.
There was no sex.
However it was certainly sexual.
You knitpicker.
LOL you know I luhhss you like thisssat!
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