I was playing softball at Prospect Park and hit the jawn to second base.
I guess that is when someone got me.
I let my guard down, cuz I was juiced to be competing. Im Athletic. AND. I like to win.
So blog fam.
I request your assistance with helping me replace my beloved Dee Dee.
[[Pay Pal Instructions: Under Item Type Cash. Under Unit Type Dollar Donation Amount.]]
The thing is, because she is so NEW, I gotta pay for her AND her replacement.
I ain't the same w/o my Dee Dee.
On Mommas.
I don't know how people recover from having folks break into their homes, because just dealing with a NEW, STOLEN phone is bad enough.
I don't think I would be able to stay in my house after someone robbed me. At least not without a few gats.
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1. Goes outside to payphone. 2. Calls Verizon. Cancels phoneand cries. 3. Buys 20 oz corona. 4. Breaks out Newport from the emergency pack from 2005. 5. Keeps waiting for phone to ring. Then remembers that she gone.
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What has someone stolen from you? How did you handle it?
Last night I got off the phone w/ Sweet Jesus. It was late.
I had insomnia. Taking naps from 7pm-10, not a good look.
So I started going through my bookmarks and came up on this video over at Hardly Art.
Did I need to hear this song.
Her Steez reminds me of why my dresses be so f*cking scandalous.
Amerie, and Aaliyah are the two "pop" women that work IT.
They illustrate, that while our bodies may not conventionally "perfect", that there are few things more sexy than a woman who knows how to work what she has.
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How do you feel about women who "work" what they have?
This is not another writer waxing poetic about who belongs in the hip hops holy trinity.
Its about my Jay Z Summer. But before I get into that, let me breakdown my description of the emcees and the attributes the make them candidates for hip hop's holy trinity .
Jay= The Hustler's Hustler Nas= Thug Politician BIG= Nihilistic Storyteller with a Keen Eye for All Things Beautiful and Street Pac= Panther Spirit with Thug Sensibilities.
I rock w/ all these Jawns.But J. He is DOING something special for me this summer.
You see. School had me overwhelmed. And Im just now recovering.
Sh*t had me not remembering my hustlers spirit.
I got the hottest chick in the game, wearing my chain. ~PSA
Treat my first like my last, and my last like my first And my thirst is the same as - when I came ~My 1st song
I have always stayed having, school, 2 jobs and a side hustle. Planning six months in advance. That type of thing. But. Not as of late. And that IRKS me.
However, I remind myself that, when you take on new challenges in life, you are forced to recalibrate.
For me, this summer, J is helping me to see that I need to fuse them clerkship dreams, with that East Oakland- OUT THE TRUNK mentality.
No matter where you go you are what you are you are player. ~Public Service Announcement
I'm ten years removed, still the vibe is in my veins ~Public Service Announcement
He feels relevant to my life right now because, we both like cake, we both have an entrepreneurial spirit, he is ambivalent and a analytical about his acceptance into the White establishment and finally he is obsessed with class mobility.
If you grew up with holes in ya zapatos You'd be celebrating the minute you was havin' dough ~99 Problems
Rap mags try and use my black ass So advertisers can give 'em more cash for ads, fuckers ~99 Problems
I have never had his catalog.
In fact, I think I have only owned Reasonable Doubt, and The Blueprint for Big Pimpin. You see. Im a Nas Head.But hearing Public Service Announcement in a Rover this past May, doing 80 from brunch on a MONDAY morning got me kinda open for your boy J.
It was at that moment that I concluded that I NNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEDED more Black Album in my life.
Without sayin a word, the ghetto's got a mental telepathy Man my brother hustled so, naturally Up next is me, but what perplexes me Shit I know how this movie ends, still I play the starrin role in "Hovito's Way"
Man. Who talks about the streets cycle in a way that isanalytical of both our families, our positions within our families and the future that we see for ourselves. The folks over at "Black People For More Black MALE Lawyers" need to holler at Jay to get a dialog cracking on how to reach out to and retain the young bucks at 9 and 10 years old. Plus, he gets right to the gristle of how succesful Black men, and aspiring Black men feel.
I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for?" Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low? Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know Am I under arrest or should I guess some mo'? "Well you was doin fifty-five in a fifty-fo' "
I BEEN feeling like I have been doing a 55 in a 54 for the last two years blood!
Real talk. Then came 99 Problems. I always felt this song. But really listening to 99 problems, Dear Summer Public Service Announcement, My 1st Song and Allure ON REPEAT, when you are in the trenches of struggle is life altering.
Half a Mil for Bail cuz Im African. ~ 99 Problems
And then there is the crush on Bleek, and there you have it.
So. I guess the more appropriate title is Jay-Z, Greatest of All Summers.
According to cultural critic bell hooks, "Patriarchy is political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence."
In other words, patriarchy is a social and political system that gives men privileges, which result from a socialization process that teaches people heterosexual men are superior to women and all non-heterosexual men. Sexism is a consequence and symptom of a society that practices patriarchy.
Hip Hop Nerds for America. *******Bubble cloud appears over head.I smell a T-Shirt.
W/ Obama Gore '08 on the back.
Somebody call Marc Ecko and tell young to make that sh*t pop off.
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Would you go to such a conference,Why or Why NOT? ====== ======
The poor doesn't vote. N*ggas too busy BEING POOR.
NEW ORLEANS -- Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards kicked off his "Road to One America" anti-poverty tour here today with a "Good Morning America" Town Hall event. During the two-hour interview with Diane Sawyer and about 100 New Orleans residents, Edwards faced questions on everything from improving conditions for the working poor to the $400 haircuts he became famous for.
"Some lessons you learned the hard way. I've learned my lesson. I got a very cheap haircut a few days ago and I'm going to keep getting cheap hair cuts," Edwards said to the laughing crowd.
But Edwards defended himself as a sincere advocate for the poor, pointing to his work in urban ministries in North Carolina before ever entering politics, and his help organizing unions and leading campaigns to raise the minimum wage over the years.
"I came from very little to having a lot. There's no question about that," he said. "I'm proud of the fact that I lived the American dream. Nobody gave it to me. I worked for it. But I want that chance to be there for everybody."
Am I wrong ya'll.
He has no chance on winning w/ this poverty sh*t.
The masses don't care.
You gotta come at people on sh*t that they they are in invested in. There has to be an incentive for being involved.
He is a smooth talker.
But I ain't feeling the poverty campaign.
How about...........running on shit we can measure: a. CHEAPER GAS! for folks.b. CHILD CARE for 100K families. c. Creating 10K more Nurses to replace the retiring boomers. d. 10K Back in KatrinaVille in 5 years.
5 Things That are HELLA FRESH about Dallas,or North Dallas to be exact.
1. Southern Hospitality. You walk into a spot, and employees greet you as if they are happy to see you and seem just generally glad to have your business.
2. Black folks got being simultaneously aggressive and assertive ON LOCK.I need to learn how to be more proficient at that as a legal writer.I first noticed it in Sweet Jesus's demeanor a coupla weeks ago on the phone.But they got that sh*t by the truck loads. Its damn near a survival technique
3. I dreamed I was at the mall, getting some Carols daughter, [which I haven't used in years] and I started choppin it up with Erykah about 7 and how he gettin' all big now.
4. The quality of life is bananas. $100K houses. $300K condos. Real talk.
5. It looks like Oakland. Flat. Lots of Negros and Mexicanos.
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What should I see in Dallas before I peace-c-ya-lata?
Hence the lapse in posting,but I missed y'all like cooked food.
Between July 12th and July 13th, I had SEVERAL experiences with the customer service reps at the US Air:
a. A customer service rep Hated on me, and wouldn't waive a fee. Old boy was like, bend over, sans Vaseline. Threw my whole actionplan off. BUT. Thats what you get trynna do standby, NOT ON JET BLUE. The N*gga had the nerve to be old enough to be my daddy AND was HATIN'.
b. A customer service rep had my ticket changed w/o paying extra.
c. I chatted it up with a Marine/National guard on the benifits and specs of the M16 that he was carrying.
d. And finally a supervisor bumped me up to first class, so I slurpped chardonnay in seat 1C. ^^^^^That sh*t will have you spoiled for real.
e. My favorite scene was me, in TYYYYYUGHT jeans, sparkle-y shoes, and quasi sheer yellow blouse telling the 3rd customer service rep "I did not authorize ANYONE TO CHANGE MY TICKET, I just called the 1800 number to find out WHEN THE NEXT, EARLIEST FLIGHT TO PHILLY left. FURTHERMORE. Since when does calling a customer service agent constitute and authorization and permission to change my [MUTHAF_CKIN] schedule".
White folks at the desk next to mine, was like what kinda uppity negro is this?
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Why do you think traveling is so f*cking emotional ock?
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. ============= =============
8 Things You Didn't Know About Yours Truly. 1. My biggest regret regarding not living in the bay is not being able to watch my nieces and nephews grow up.
2. I have one friend, D-shot, who I haven't been cool with for three years. When our friendship ended, I cried. In fact I think it was worse than my break up w/ BL. She e-mailed me recently and I responded. Still haven't heard from her though.
3. I can eat a pint of ice cream AND drink a pint of beer, to THA FACE.
4. When the cash was low in June and I had to choose between ice coffee and Sunday times, I bought the coffee and borrowedmy neighbors paper.
5. I haven't had straight hair in hella years and sometimes I want a shiny, swingy bob.
6. Last November, while watching sitting in a sports bar with BL watching THE fight, I realized that [many] men resent the fact that they, themselves as well as others, are willing INVEST RESOURCES in a lady for the purpose of kicking it with her. 7. I think Rosario Dawson is ummm delish beautiful.
8. My mother recently told me the story of the last man she was with before my dad, and how she made her decision to move on and get married. Talk about grown folks conversation. Lets just say it involved property and why her name wasn't on the deed even though they had been rockin' for close to 4 years.
In his new book, Know What I Mean Michael Eric Dyson points out somethingthat that I have always thought about the Black Baby Boomer Generations dismissal of hip hop.
That they dissed us when hip hop first popped off, then wondered why Post Snoop, Post Pac, Post Imus, why we were unwilling to engage with them. Bill Cosby anyone? [ For the record Bill has room to talk because a.) he puts his money were his mouth is b.) Black people DO party and bull sh*t too much]. c.) Black parenting habits CAN use some help.
We are at a dangerous crossroads.
If those of us, WHO CARE ABOUT HIP HOP, WHO ENGAGE IN THESE DISCUSSION'S ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT ITS DEAD, don't use our voices to let the labels, corporations, radio stations know what we feel about the current state of hip hop, we will be rendered even more voiceless than we already are.
First and foremost, record labels are business institutions not, cultural institutions. So the impetus is on us to speak their language, cake and the bottom line.
For instance, Dyson points out how the Baby Boomer generation largely ignored hip hop and white record exec's slowly yet steadily were willing to cash in on a delish urban cash cow.
In he book Dyson discussed a conversation where he encouraged Earl Graves to reach out to the young buck, hip hop entrepreneurs.
"Nobody with tattos and low slung pants and low slung pants can't tell me anything."
When he said this I immediately thought of Active Jewish elders and wondered if he could stand to take a page out of their book and be willing to sit down with the tattooed, saggy pants jawns to impart some game, INSTEAD of just writing US OFF. He points out that the mothers of three of our favorite rappers have Ph.D's.Kanye.Common.Kweli.Dr. Mommas make intelligent emcees. HOT!
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So. How does the "People for Better Music Sound"?
If you had the ear of a C-level label exec what would you say?
What are three changes you want in Hip Hop in the next 12 months?
HUSTLING IS MY DEPARTMENT Earlier this year, right after Yeye's throw some D's remix came out,me and my girl S.bot were having a conversation about womenwho are "taken care of" because of how they look.I asked her how she felt about Yeye rapping about D's. Her response was,
You gotta have D's or you gotta have papers.
My response was,
I want D'sAND papers.
She responded, "Then you on some white ceo/cfo shit".
Putting the racial, implication of her comment aside, I realized that she was onto something. S.bot is my financial consciousness. She stays on me w/ the following questions: 1. When you gonna make your first mil? 2. When you gonna pay off your school debt? 3. What do you project your earnings to be in 5 years? In short.
She stays all up in mine. ****places hand 10th of an inch from face.
Perhaps growing up in the Bronx in the 80's made her thorough like that. I'LL GO TO A CLUB AND GET MY MONEY I was reminded of this conversation when I read a book in Barnes and Noble on Thursday titled, "Get to Work" by Linda Hirshman. << like a feminist on crack, ya heard?
Her premises are that women need to do the following: 1. EDUCATE YOURSELF FOR GOOD WORK 2. TAKE WORK SERIOUSLY 3. DON'T HAMSTRING COME TO THE MARTIAL BARGAINING TABLE 4. GO ON A REPRODUCTIVE STRIKE. 1. EDUCATE YOURSELF FOR GOOD WORK Do work that is rewarded in this culture. [I know. My artists readers are gonna be up in arms.] And. BIG AND, if you choose to do otherwise, UNDERSTAND that you may have to support yourself and your family WITH your income.
2.TAKE WORK SERIOUSLY. Make an income that you would think twice about giving up.
Take it seriously. Be mindful of switching jobs three times in one year. That sh*t is not a good look on the resume.
3. DON'T HAMSTRING YOURSELF AT THE MARTIAL BARGAINING TABLE. She wants women to come to the marital table with information regarding what our culture and what your future husbandexpects you to do after the baby is born.
She also wants women to understand the following about marriage: Women make 70 cent on every dollar that men make. In the event that you divorce, your ex is in the more powerful position because, all things being equal, he most likely makes more than you. Consequently, he can easily replace the "work" services that you more than likely provided, as the default "nanny, maid or personal assistant".
This is IS NOT the issue if you had a pre existing, nanny, maid or personal assistant, or that contributed to the house hold in such a manner that you did not need extra help. 4. GO ON A REPRODUCTIVE STRIKE. At first I thought that sh*t was harsh right. But she isn't anti kid, just pro planning.
Think about it.
The first time women start talking about leaving "society recognized" work, to "work" full time as mommas, its after the first baby turns 2 or 3, or after the second baby. But then peep. If you plan the babies, strategically if you are going to try and maintain your current lifestyle. Cake is clearly on my mind.
For my job I am researching:
1. How many Black Board Members are on Fortune 5's?
2. How many Fortune 5's have government, war associated contracts?
3. How many women are on Fortune 5 Boards?
And man lissen, looking at THESE NUMBERS, s ide by side with negro spending power, puts a WHOLE LOT OF SH*T in perspective
IT'S REAL HARD BEING A WOMAN BECAUSE YOU GO THROUGH SO MUCH Which finally brings me to the above video.
Where do I begin?
I felt like was reading a FEDS magazine story via a DOCUMENTARY style video.
Top TEN THINGS I noticed about it:
1. How down the women are for the dudes. 2. How the women EAT with the hustlas. 3. The highly visible relationship between being assaulted as a teen, and being a lady of the night as an adult. 4. How there was a clear sense that THEY, NOT ANYONE ELSE, would take care of their babies. 5. How the Lack of a safety net is SO apparent in the hood.
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Is it realistic to anticipate planning, strategically, the babies?
How do you feel about women w/ D's and Pape's?
What do you think of women who want cake as much Jay Z wants it?
2. Would have had her opening for all relevant artistson tour, ie those who are brown/black friendly.
3. Created a mix tape, right after that Nas/ Jay sh*t popped off to capitalize on their respective Fall 2006 hype. Specifically a mixtape w/ John Legend, Yeye, Ledisi, Nas, Jay, Common, Kweli, Pharoe and Ghost and other folks relevent to her lane.
4. Woulda pitched her hard on some Jennifer Hudson type love, ie, she AIN'T what YALL ARE TAUGHT TO THINK IS BEAUTIFUL, but she BAD as SH*T.
5. Would have went HARD at the BLOGS and the ALTERNATIVE WEEKLY JAWN's, pluggin her as much as possible.
6. Would have had her vocals shining on soundtracks this spring and summer.
Full disclosure.
The only thing I love more than Corporate Governance and Mergers and Acquisitions is Managing Artist
Def Jam. There is still time to do this right.
You know where to find me. [ Wherever you need me] ==== ====
My resident blog little brother from another momma has renounced his whiteness.
First I laughed.Then I realized your boy was serious.There MUST BE SOMETHING in that Michigan Water.
They Prolly Serve Malcom X smoothies at the movie theaters and sh*t. Harriet Tubman Burgers.
Martin Luther King Onion Rings. <<<----I know. Scandless. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Junk Food Chain serving up negro heros. <<<<---No more listening to doom for me. Walt is on a mission yall:
Alright white folks, it's like this. You done did it. I'm through with you. Nah nah, don't try to say you're sorry and that you can change, fuck that. It's over. You never really loved me, and now I can see that, so I'm gone. I'm serious. I ain't saying I won't kick it with you, go to your parties, listen to your lame ass watered down versions of black music every once in a while, or that I'll start breaking into your cars and stealing your stereos or whatever, it ain't even like that. And I'm not going to stop hanging out with you if we're friends and you happen to be white (unless you show up in the comments and scream on me.) What I'm saying is, I'm not one of you anymore. I am officially, as far as I'm concerned, no longer a White Guy. Genetically I'm descended from people who got all pale and shit from hanging out in caves and somehow ended up with pigment in their eyes and hair, yeah. But that's it. That's the extent of my White-ness.
Then he goes for the juggular.
Don't try to tell me that you're a liberal either, you motherfuckers are racist as shit too. Get a couple drinks in you and you start complaining about how the black girls at the gym always walk the wrong direction around the track. Better yet, wait until Joe Progressive loses his job. Homeboy go from Do The Right Thing to Do The White Thing real fuckin' quick if you tell him his days of making 70K a year for shuffling papers around are over. Hits up a box of wine and starts bitching about "Affirmative action hires", "Reverse racism", "Illegal immigrants", and pretty much Asians in general. Start fucking with whitey's paper and he's back to his old tricks with the quickness.
And finally. BUT AT LEAST IM WHITE. De.LISH.ious.
I swear, working class white people are like that one kid out the crew who everybody hates but still gets to hang out so that the cool kids can fuck with him. You know who I'm talking about, don't front. Y'all Toby Keith ass motherfuckers be like "Well I went to a shitty high school, have no job opprotunities, my family is all on drugs and in prison, my little brother got beat the fuck up by county sherriffs last night, my little sister is pregnant, I might get drafted, my roof is leaking, and I think I might have VD. But shit! At least I'm white!"
In that post supreme court decision conversation with the libertarian,I neglected to mention to you all that his homie was there.
In fact, he is our mutual colleague.
During our conversation I mentioned my Why are N*ggas so Homophobic post?I explained how at the end of the day, Black Male sexuality and swagare tied to their notions of masculinity, so to have that taken/threatened by the idea of or via actual homosexual sex is a horrific violation of their masculinity.
Then the issue of Black Male Invisibility came up. My colleague then asked , "Why do Black men feel invisible?"
I thought about it and was like, man, do I really wanna go INTO THIS SH*T.But I was like M, be responsive and responsible and answer the man's question.
I responded explaining how, by and large in this culture, Black Male representation in News, Television, movies and news papers typically turns on one or two stereotypes involving sex and violence. These would leave anyone feeling invisible because it fails to address the nuances of being a f*cking human being. In turn.
I tripped off how good it must feel for him to THINK ABOUT ABSTRACTLY, whatit must feel like to be Black.
And I immediately thought of white privilage and how the fact that this is some sh*t that is abstract in his head is indicative of said privilege.
I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. So I have begun in an untutored way to ask what it is like to have white privilege. I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was "meant" to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks.
Some examples of said white privilege she lists are:
5. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.
6. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.
8. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.
10. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.
15. I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection.
21. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group. 25. If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven't been singled out because of my race.
35. I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race. AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE 20. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
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This post had me thinking?
Are there Black privileges?
Should I start corporate gender and race training workshops.Tie gender/racial understanding to the bottom line:)
Last summer, my boss David -a truly phenomenal human being- said to me one of the best things a progressive minded person can do is start a school. The Supreme Courts decision on desegregation's makes this statement ever more relevant.
Concluding its current Term with a historic ruling on race in public policy, the Supreme Court divided 5-4 on Thursday in striking down voluntary integration plans in the public schools of Seattle and Louisville. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., wrote the majority opinion in the combined cases. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy did not join all of the majority opinion, but joined in the result. Kennedy suggested in a separate opinion that the Chief Justice's opinion, in part, "is at least open to the interpretation that the Constitution requires school districts to ignore the problem of de facto resegregation in schooling. I cannot endorse that conclusion."
Recent History
By the early ’90s, support in the federal courts for the central work of Brown — racial integration of public schools — began to rapidly expire. In a series of cases in Atlanta, Oklahoma City and Kansas City, Mo., frustrated parents, black and white, appealed to federal judges to stop shifting children from school to school like pieces on a game board. The parents wanted better neighborhood schools and a better education for their children, no matter the racial make-up of the school. In their rulings ending court mandates for school integration, the judges, too, spoke of the futility of using schoolchildren to address social ills caused by adults holding fast to patterns of residential segregation by both class and race.
Now The Libertarian is my L-school best friend.And I wanted to Karate chop his @ss on Friday while we were talking about this topic.
Him: Do you think that the all black journalism program discriminates against whites? Me: The question is how do you define discrimination? So, In this instance No. Him: How so? Me: Because white people are not underrepresented in Law, Medicine, Business or anything else. Him: What about a basketball camp for chinese players only? Me: Basketball isn't nearly as fundamental to life as education. And Black people have a legacy in this country that the Chinese, and for that matter anyone else. We are this countries oldest residents and most recent citizens. Him: Do you think that should be the role of the government? Me: If not them, then who the f*ck else is gonna do it? Just by nature of his gp analysis, the governement shouldn't be involved in the citizens day to day affairs as little as possible. I feel him on that in many instances, JUST NOT in this one.
But peep this.
If integration is an institutional problem, doesn't it require and institutional solution?
If black children had the right to be in schools with white children, Justice Marshall reasoned, then school board officials would have no choice but to equalize spending to protect the interests of their white children.
What ended happening is that the Black kids ended up in schools w/ the poor white kids.
The education was STILL halfed @ss and damn near criminal. Black people underestimated that white people would sacrificeTHEIR poor by having them attend school with Negros.
Here is the rub yall. Again. I am going to have to fight to stay in school. So this issue has IMMEASURABLE significance for me.
I AM THE PROTOTYPICAL BOOTSTRAPPER. I have taken eery opportunity that has been handed to me since my FIRST PREP SCHOOL SUMMER PROGAM IN 7th GRADE and RAN WITH IT.
So if IM HAVING PROBLEMS what the hell is the fate of the average Black/Brown kid?
Whenever I am in a disagreement with a school administrator about my progress, standing or capability, I always ask myself,
"Would they be saying this to me if I was their child?"
"What advice would they be giving their daughter?"
I call it the daughter test. As in "would you like a particular young man if your daughter brought him home?"
Speaking of schools making decision as if their OWN children were students, there is a charter school in Manhattan that is removing the parent-boardmembers and replacing them with boardmembers with public relations experience and fundraising experience. My question is what happens to the level of parental engagement once they are removed from the board? How is their voice going to be heard?
How can people, who are NOT the parents of a children, care about said children? The last forty years of public education have said that that is damn near impossible.
What bums me out abut the decision and the conversation with The Libertarian is that he will be in a position of power one day.
And I wonder if he will take my point of view regarding Black peopleand their lack of access to power into consideration when making decisions.In researching this post I came across a solution to Black Here is an idea.
For one reason, minorities are seriously underrepresented in the legal profession. For instance, only 4% of the nation’s lawyers are Black even though Blacks represent 13% of the population of the United States . This lack of representation has far ranging effects including limited access to power. Ever notice how many of the power brokers in the United States are lawyers?. Perhaps a more significant effect is ever growing distrust of the legal system by racial minorities, in significant part, because of the lack of lawyers and judges that look like them.
Proponents also point out that the majority of volunteer work and fundraising is done by the parents of Caucasian students, and the school would suffer were these parents' children to leave Lowell.
The bug out is that Asian students out score Blacks, White, Latinos on standardized tests across the boards so white people get heated, but have no room to talk because they STARTED THE standardized testing in the first place.
Led by Berkeley professor Ling-chi Wang, Asian American progressives pressured these universities to review their policies. Audits at Brown, Stanford, Harvard, and U.C. Berkeley later confirmed that campus officials made secretive decisions that negatively impacted Asians’ chances of being admitted. Asian admits were required to have higher test and grade scores than whites, giving whites a distinct advantage in a supposedly open competition for admission. (Not surprisingly, after the audits were made public, Asian admissions usually leaped.)
====== ====== What is the racial make up of your high school?
What is the racial make up of your kids school?
Why do you think the civil rights leaders were so SHORT SIGHTEDwith regard to integration and public education?