I thihk that its dope that Post Imus (p.i) there is more dialogue ABOUT how harmful g-rap is and a very small, yet significant conversation on about the WHITE PEOPLE who appeared to benefit on his show.
White Privilage Analysis.
So far, only two white people have written about the benfits of rockin' with Imus.
1. Ann Marie Cox aka Wonkette.
2. Sam Tanenhaus
Sam basically says that he was able to look the other way when it came to Imus's bigotry because Imus helped him shine.
Cool. At least he aknowledging it.
For a period lasting many months I was one of Mr. Imus’s collaborators, or enablers — in fact one of the more conspicuous ones. In October 1997, when I was a freelance writer, a friend phoned with the news that Mr. Imus had begun talking up my book, “Whittaker Chambers: A Biography.” He did not succeed in making it a best seller, as he did in some other cases, but his efforts resulted, by my estimation, in an additional 10,000 sales, plenty for a densely footnoted biography with a $35 price tag.
More gratifying still were the letters and phone calls from readers, not the presumed yahoos we’ve been hearing about in recent days, but civil and courteous people from all walks of life — students, retirees, history buffs and, in some instances, professional authors — who also were part of Mr. Imus’s following.
Which brings me to the contributory negligence.
You see. In life. We all give up a little bit of our integrity for something.
Its the way the game is played.
Below, Sam disloses how he gave up some of his for some Imus Shine.
My only question for Sam and other white men is, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU TUNING OUT IN ORDER TO BE A "MEMBER OF THE CLUB?"By now, I was tuning in regularly. It had become part of my routine: waking up each morning to WFAN and the frisson of hearing my name broadcast on the radio. Of course, I was hearing other things, too, and they were disturbing at times: slurs against black athletes, an “impersonation” of Clarence Thomas that didn’t sound like him at all (unlike the impersonations of white figures), but instead drew on the stalest of the “here come de judge” grotesqueries of a previous era; the almost continual soundtrack of leering sexual comments.
Today, in the harsh light of Mr. Imus’s disgrace, it is hard to explain why none of this bothered me very much. But the truth is I tuned it out. One reason, I think, is that my position seemed paradoxical. I was pleased to have been admitted into Mr. Imus’s club — alongside famous columnists and TV pundits and celebrated authors.
[in-teg-ri-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
3. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.
Talk about being contributorily negligent.
Im posting today yall, then imma cut back. Gotta go down the rabbit hole. Its that time of year. I will respond to your comments tho.
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